Visiting a hearing health professional is often as vital for your auditory health and well-being as visiting your family physician. Yet, many of us take too long to make a hearing health appointment or assume that we aren’t in an age group that would need to do so. Hearing health professionals provide a wide range of treatments to people of all ages. Here are just a few of the reasons you should consider making an appointment.

To Get a Hearing Test

Hearing health professionals can conduct a wide range of hearing tests, including pure-tone tests, speech tests and tympanometry tests. These tests are crucial for anyone experiencing hearing loss and can lead to the production of an audiogram, which is a visual representation of your hearing.

As well as highlighting if you have hearing loss, a hearing test makes it possible to determine where the hearing loss originates, as well as any potential causes. After a hearing test, your hearing care provider will also have a clear picture of whether treatments like hearing aids are suitable.

To Treat Earwax Buildup

Over time, excessive earwax buildup can cause temporary hearing loss, ruptured eardrums, and even infections. Hearing health professionals are trained to assess whether wax buildup is the source of your hearing issues and provide safe removal methods. This procedure can often result in an immediate improvement in hearing. For some, earwax removal may be a one-time treatment, but for those who experience frequent buildup, hearing health professionals can offer regular care to help manage the problem effectively.

To Choose the Right Hearing Aid

Whether you know or suspect you have hearing loss, selecting the right hearing aid can be challenging. With options like in the ear and behind the ear, as well as other advanced designs, finding the best fit requires careful consideration. Your choice should take into account factors like the severity of your hearing loss, your daily lifestyle and your specific functional needs.

Hearing health professionals help in identifying the most suitable hearing aids for your needs through detailed hearing tests. They also guide you in making an informed decision by explaining the features and benefits of different types of hearing aids. Additionally, they provide insight into the functions and capabilities of various models, helping you choose the device that best aligns with your hearing requirements and lifestyle.

Hearing Aid Repairs

Hearing aids typically last between five and seven years with proper care but wear and tear or accidental damage can cause them to break over time. Attempting to repair them yourself is usually not effective and could cause more damage if not careful. If your hearing aids stop working, it’s important to visit a hearing health professional promptly. They can often provide quick repairs in the office, minimizing the time you spend without your hearing aids and restoring their functionality as soon as possible.

There are a wide number of reasons to visit a hearing health professional. If any of these sound like they’d be a good fit for you, then you should schedule an appointment with a hearing health professional.