With the right model and settings, hearing aids can significantly improve your quality of life when you have hearing loss. For many people, they become a lifeline that allows them to socialize and do their favorite things without having to worry about how their hearing will affect the situation.

However, with the advancement of hearing aid technology, there can be things that go wrong. Connecting a hearing aid to an app and remote control is a great way to manage your hearing aid more conveniently. But what happens when there’s trouble with the connection? Below, we discuss more about hearing aids and troubleshooting connectivity issues.

Benefits of Hearing Aid Apps

Hearing aids have never been more user-friendly and with the development of hearing aid apps, you can control aspects of the hearing aid at the touch of a button. These apps are installed on phones, tablets or other devices. Some of the hearing aid settings you can easily control from an app include volume, noise reduction, and sound quality.

Wearers can also stream music directly from their devices to their hearing aid. When in a public place, using the app to adjust settings means you don’t have to touch or remove your hearing aid in front of others.

Benefits of Remote Controls

Remote controls can also help you to control the settings on your hearing aid but they can go one step further. For example, you can connect your hearing aid to all of your entertainment devices using a remote control. Using Bluetooth, the sound is transmitted to the hearing aid and you can then control the sound quality for the best experience.

You can also use a remote control to route all incoming calls directly to your hearing aid. When you answer a call using your remote control and speaking into the remote controls microphone, all other sounds will be canceled out so you can focus on the phone call alone.

Troubleshooting Remote Control and App Connectivity

There will always be times when technology is more complicated than we would hope. If you’re having trouble with your connection, firstly make sure that you have paired the remote control and app to your hearing aid. The app will then automatically try to connect to your hearing aid whenever it’s within range.

If it doesn’t connect, check the device is still paired with your hearing aid and the internet connection is switched on. You should also check if Bluetooth is connected on your device. If the connection still isn’t working, make sure your devices are not in flight mode. If you’re using an Android phone, you may need to switch location services on for the initial set up. If this doesn’t work, uninstall the app and reinstall it. If you have further trouble with connectivity to your hearing aid, a hearing health professional will be able to help you.