If you find it hard to follow conversations, have to turn up the TV louder or notice you’re missing common sounds, it’s important to know the reasons behind these issues. Figuring out what’s causing your hearing problems early can help you take steps to prevent them from getting worse and get the right treatment. A hearing health professional can help you manage hearing loss and continue to live a full and active life.

When to Consider Professional Help

Like vision issues, loss of hearing often occurs gradually, and you might not notice until it becomes obvious that there is a problem. You should consider contacting a hearing health professional if you are experiencing hearing issues. These include having to turn up the volume, missing bits of a conversation and becoming off-balance when walking. But here are three causes of concern.

Damage to the Inner Ear

Inner ear damage is a common cause of hearing loss. Ears are sensitive and can become damaged pretty easily. Lifestyle can contribute to inner ear damage and make things worse. For example, just listening to loud music on headphones is enough to cause damage. The nerve inside your ear can become damaged, resulting in temporary or permanent loss of hearing. Tinnitus, balance problems and not hearing high-pitched sounds are symptoms.

Hearing Loss from Wax Buildup

One common cause of hearing loss that’s easy to prevent is wax buildup. Depending on your lifestyle or genetics, you might have more earwax than usual. Hearing aids can also lead to more wax accumulation. To manage this, avoid using cotton swabs, which can push wax further in, and consider using ear drops once a month to help clear out excess wax. Your hearing health professional will also offer a professional cleaning.

Infections, Growths and Tumors

Infections, growths and tumors in the ear can be factors in hearing loss. Ear infections can lead to swelling and fluid buildup, which might block sound from reaching the inner ear. Growths or tumors can also impact hearing by affecting the ear’s structures. It’s important to get a checkup if you notice symptoms like ear pain, changes in your hearing or any unusual growths. Early detection and treatment can help manage these conditions and support your overall hearing health.

Preventing Common Ear Problems

Preventing common ear problems like infections, growths, wax buildup, and inner ear damage is important for maintaining good hearing. To avoid ear infections, keep your ears clean and dry, and avoid inserting objects into your ear canal. For preventing wax buildup, don’t use cotton swabs, consider using ear drops if you have a lot of wax and seeing your hearing health professional. Regular checkups with a healthcare professional can help catch and address growths or tumors early.

You should schedule an appointment with a hearing health professional if you experience hearing loss. This can be caused by damage to the inner ear, wax and growths. If you believe you are experiencing hearing loss, contact a hearing health professional.